a Cryptography tool


CRYPT is a tool that allows you to encrypt or decrypt texts.


The main reason I wrote this program was having access to common encodings and hash functions in one place. Later I added more functions and ciphers. All releases have a script named which takes 2 files as input and output and encodes or decodes the input file line by line while writing to output file.

What encodings, ciphers, and hashes are supported?

  1. Encodings:
    • Base16
    • Base32
    • Base64
    • Base85
  2. Ciphers:
    • Caesar Cipher
    • Morse Code
    • Baconian Cipher
    • Vigenère Cipher
  3. Hashes:
    • MD5
    • Md5 Crypt
    • SHA256 & SHA512
    • SHA256 & SHA512 Crypt
    • NT
    • BCrypt
    • Argon2
    • PBKDF2+SHA256 & PBKDF2+SHA512
    • Hash Cracking with a wordlist or by Bruteforcing


Run main app using
python Crypt-?.?.?.py   
Where '?.?.?' is the current version.

Running CryptB is same way as above, except that is a CLI tool and accepts arguments and options. You can see all options for CryptB using '--help' option:

./ --help   

Usage: [OPTIONS]

-F, --file FILENAME   File containing plain text for encryption.
-O, --out PATH   Path/File to write the encrypted text to.
-M, --method [md5|md5-brute|...|baconian-e|baconian-d]   Method to use for encryption.
-K, --key INTEGER   Encryption/decryption key for ciphers that support it. Positive integer for encryption, Negative integer for decryption.
--about, --copyright   Show About & Copyright
--help   Show this message and exit.


If you encounter any issues or bugs, feel free to open an issue about it on this repo and I'll try to help.


This project is licensed under GPL v3.0. See LICENSE for details.